Risha Drayen (8)Full unit name: Drayen, Risha
Last updated: 07.09.2024 15:22:59
Navigation (4)
Basic info
First appearance: The Old Republic
The Old Republic
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Family Relations
Daughter of: Nok Drayen
Nok Drayen
Supporting Characters
Known Facts (22)
Race the Devil (4) »
  • Was among the passengers on board of Voidhound's XS Freighter when it departed from Coruscant
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Risha Drayen
    I'm taking a wild guess that my life just got a new kind of complicated.
    This freighter and everything in it belongs to me, lady.
    Risha Drayen
    That so? What an exciting development. My name's Risha. I've been traveling with Skavak as part of a business arrangement.
    Corso Riggs
    What kinda business are you in, that you keep a guy's head in a jar?
    Risha Drayen
    Don't judge me by my cargo. A girl can't always choose how she earns a living, or who she deals with. He and I had a deal to deliver the things you see here.
    You picked a bad partner. Skavak isn't known for honoring his deals.
    Risha Drayen
    Then maybe my luck is about to change. Skavak was going to deliver this cargo, but he's proving unreliable. I think you might be a much better partner.
    Lady, I barely know you. Why would I agree to any deal?
    Risha Drayen
    Because I'm willing to earn your trust. The real question is, will you give me the chance to make you rich? What do you know... that's Skavak on the ship's holo. This should be an interesting conversation.
  • Voidhound, Corso Riggs
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Risha Drayen
    You're late, Skavak - and I just made a new friend. I think you two will loathe each other.
    Congratulations, Captain. You're officially number one on my list of people to kill. When I get my hands on you, you'll wish you'd never left Ord Mantell.
    Corso Riggs
    Hope there's room for me on that list. I hate feeling left out.
    Don't sweat it, Corso. I promise to kill you second.
    Can't kill what you can't catch, Skavak. And you don't have a ship.
    Plenty of ships to steal on Coruscant. I'm sure I'll find something fast and deadly. You don't even know what you've stumbled into, Captain. You're messing up a deal I spent months putting together. Don't know how you got away from those Imperials, but next time I'll kill you myself. Assuming Rogun the Butcher doesn't get you first. I sold all those blasters you were supposed to deliver for him on Ord Mantell. Can't imagine he'll be happy you lost them.
    I'll make sure Rogun hears who really fouled things up for him.
    I'm sure you'll have lots to say while Rogun tortures you to death.
    Risha Drayen
    Are you done posturing, Skavak? The captain and I have cargo to deliver.
    Don't even think about cutting me out of this deal, Risha!
    Risha Drayen
    "Finders keepers." Isn't that what you always say? Not my fault the captain here beat you to the big prize.
    Risha Drayen
    Sweetheart, you two just made the biggest mistake of your lives.
  • Skavak, Voidhound, Corso Riggs
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Risha Drayen
    Thought that blowhard would never switch off. So, we were discussing how I can make you fabulously wealthy. The items here are pieces to a key - a key that unlocks the lost treasure of a very rich dead man named Nok Drayen.
    Who's Nok Drayen?
    Risha Drayen
    Please tell me you're joking. The man was a criminal legend. Nok Drayen was the greatest gangster who ever lived. He personally wiped out the Rath Cartel and the Vandelhelm Combine during the Syndicate Wars. When he died ten years ago, Nok had more wealth than some Outer Rim worlds. Even the Hutts were jealous.
    Nok sounds like my kind of guy.
    Risha Drayen
    He was ruthless, bloodthirsty and vindictive. The only criminals who didn't fear him were the dead ones.
    What happened to Nok's fortune after he died?
    Risha Drayen
    Now we're getting to the interesting part. Nok hid his fortune right before he died. For ten years, treasure hunters across the galaxy have searched for it in vain - until now. You see, I've finally figured out how to get the lost riches of Nok Drayen.
    But you can't do it alone.
    Risha Drayen
    Working with a professional would be refreshing. Whoever gets Nok's riches will become an underworld legend. Skavak had his chance and blew it. Now it's your turn. Help me deliver these things in your cargo hold, and Nok Drayen's wealth will be all yours.
    What are you getting out of this?
    Risha Drayen
    I'm after something personal. The money doesn't mean anything to me, Captain. I'm the only one who can help you trade these items to get Nok Drayen's treasure, but I won't tell you everything up front. To get the riches, you trust me the same way I trust you: one step at a time. Deal?
    We'll see if this treasure hunt of yours is worth it.
    Risha Drayen
    Once you get a taste of this job, I think you'll be hooked. We have deals set up on Taris and Nar Shaddaa. I'll make all the arrangements and introductions for you on both planets. I'll be in my bunk. That caged beast there isn't much good for conversation, so come visit if you feel like chatting. Looking forward to working with you, Captain.
  • Voidhound, Corso Riggs
Recruitment into Coruscant Aegis (2) »
  • Risha Drayen was among the passengers on board of Voidhound's XS Freighter while it was in orbit above Coruscant
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Move along, citizen- oh, sorry, Captain. Flight Commander Judin, pleased to meet you. Afraid there's bad news from open space. The Imperial armada's attacking Republic assets in secret, goading us into violating the Treaty of Coruscant.
    Just like those Imps to avoid an open fight.
    Fleet Admiral Numinn has authorized the formation of the Coruscant Aegis--an elite attack squadron meant to break the Imperial offensive, swiftly and quietly. If you're interested, I'd say you're more than qualified to join the squadron.
    I want to be called "Crackerjack." Eh, that sounded better in my head. How about "Ace"?
    Wise choice, Captain. As for your call sign... I think "Ace" suits your nature. Every member of the Coruscant Aegis will strike independently across the galaxy. I'll upload your mission data to your ship. Silence the Imperial threat, and guard the Republic well.
  • Judin, Voidhound, Corso Riggs
Operation Midnight Freedom (1) »
Makem Te Assault (1) »
Assault on Balosar Outpost (1) »
Beryl's Bargain (3) »
  • Was among the passengers on board of Voidhound's XS Freighter when it arrived on Taris
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Risha Drayen contacted Beryl Thorne and asked her to help find some ancient vault among the ruins, which required very specific sensory equipment. Beryl knew how to get access to the sensors and reluctantly agreed, on the condition that she not deal with Risha personally due to a bad history between them. In exchange, she asked Risha to help her complete her contract with the Authority. Risha agreed to the terms and promised to send her companions, Voidhound and Corso Riggs, to help Beryl.
  • Beryl Thorne
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Risha Drayen
    Ah, Taris. Did you know you've just landed on the biggest graveyard in the galaxy? There's not much to enjoy here besides skeletons, ruins and man-eating creatures.
    As long as there's a cantina, I'm happy.
    Risha Drayen
    Are all your inoculations up to date? I doubt the watering holes here rate more than a "one" in Trampeta's Star Guide.
    Nervous, little girl?
    Risha Drayen
    Not really. I'll be here in a nice cozy bunk. You're the one who has to go out. Taris was "The Coruscant of the Outer Rim" until some lunatic leveled it centuries ago. Now it's a toxic swamp. We're here for an astrogation chart that was in a vault when Taris fell. That vault's somewhere in these ruins.
    How do you know the vault still exists?
    Risha Drayen
    It was built to withstand anything short of a supernova.
    What do we need with some musty old astrogation chart?
    Risha Drayen
    I worry about the "why" and you take care of the "how." That's our deal, remember? Our lost vault was designed to be recovered after a major catastrophe. All we need are the right sensors to locate it. The catch is, the only person I know with access to those sensors is someone who hates me.
    Who else has access to the sensors?
    Risha Drayen
    We don't have time to find out, but luckily we don't have to. I made our contact an irresistible offer. One of the deal's terms is that she doesn't have to see me. I need you to get that vault's location, Captain. Impress the stars out of her.
    People always tell me how impressive I am.
    Risha Drayen
    That must be a terrible burden for you. This woman talks tough, but underneath, she's a softie. Use that to your advantage. I should also warn you, Skavak knows about the vault. We can't let him catch up.
    I'm curious how you know what Skavak's up to.
    Risha Drayen
    He wasted a lot of breath trying to impress me into his bunk. It never worked, but I learned a lot about his plans. The astrogation chart in that vault is essential to finding Nok Drayen's riches, Captain. Your contact's name is Beryl Thorne. When Beryl gives you the vault's location, come back and see me. Oh, and try not to let anything eat you.
  • Voidhound
The Vault (5) »
  • Was among the passengers on board of Voidhound's XS Freighter when it departed from Taris
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Risha Drayen
    Hope you got that vault's location. I eavesdropped on Skavak and some mercenaries over an encrypted comm channel. Skavak's not on Taris - just his mercenaries. They're trying to beat us to the vault. Sounds like they're closing in.
    Beryl says the vault is buried in a place called "Zone Zero."
    Risha Drayen
    Then we're not sunk yet. Unlike us, the mercenaries don't have the vault's exact coordinates. From what I overheard, Skavak's men aren't having much luck in their search for the vault. Something out there is eating those mercenaries alive. Literally.
    For once, I'm glad Taris is a death trap.
    Risha Drayen
    The creatures are slowing the mercenaries down, but not enough. The mercenary leader sounds pretty tough. Get to the vault fast as you can, then open the lock with this Geonosian slicer module. It took me months to trade for this. Don't lose it, understand?
    If I march all the way to Zone Zero and I'm still locked out of that vault.. you're fired.
    Risha Drayen
    Technology has come a long way since that vault was built. It'll open.
    Beryl said not to trust you. Your old partner seems to think you'll turn on me.
    Risha Drayen
    She's bitter about something that happened a long time ago. Forget about her.
    You want me to trust you? Tell me what happened with Beryl.
    Risha Drayen
    You really want to do this now? Fine. A few years ago, Beryl and I robbed an Imperial treasury station. The heist went bad. I escaped, Beryl didn't. She blames me for not rescuing her from the Imperials. I was saving my own skin. I don't apologize for that.
    How'd Beryl escape the Empire?
    Risha Drayen
    She didn't. The Imperials sold her to a Hutt and she escaped from him. Wasn't pleasant, from what I hear. Regardless, I don't work with walking liabilities, anymore. That's why I'm with you. Let's get what we came for and haul jets off this lousy planet, all right?
  • Voidhound
  • Gave Geonosian Slicer Module to Voidhound
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Risha Drayen
    You got the astrogation chart, didn't you? I can tell by the look on your face.
    Did you ever doubt me?
    Risha Drayen
    If I did, you've just made me a believer for life. You're holding a piece of underworld history. That astrogation chart belonged to an Exchange gangster named Davik Kang. Davik personally mapped dozens of hyperlanes between the Core and Outer Rim systems. He found shortcuts and hideouts all over the galaxy. He was the last great leader of the Exchange crime syndicate, and the unofficial ruler of Taris.
    How does this chart help us find Nok Drayen's riches?
    Risha Drayen
    Patience. Good things come to those who trust their partners. Have you studied much galactic history, Captain? Interesting patterns emerge, if you pay attention. Davik Kang's criminal empire ended when this planet was destroyed. Nok Drayen's empire was born when he destroyed a planet.
    Nok Drayen destroyed a whole planet?
    Risha Drayen
    Technically, it was only a single settlement. Once upon a time, there was a pirate haven on the Outer Rim called Mandellia. Thousands of criminals lived there. One bright morning, Nok Drayen's freighter dropped out of hyperspace over Mandellia. He demanded the pirates surrender to him or die.
    What did Nok want with the pirates?
    Risha Drayen
    These pirates were successful pirates. They'd acquired a lot of wealth, and Nok decided he wanted it. They weren't afraid of a lone, lightly armed freighter. The pirates figured Nok was delusional and refused to surrender. Big mistake. When the pirates sent their reply, Nok launched a single rocket at their settlement. The warhead was tipped with an Imperial nerve toxin. The entire settlement died in less than a minute. Ten thousand greedy pirates, give or take.
    Where did Nok get an Imperial warhead?
    Risha Drayen
    He stole it, of course. He'd been looking for a way to take down Mandellia in one shot, and that was the perfect solution. That day at Mandellia, Nok Drayen went from being a low-rent smuggler to one of the richest criminals in the galaxy. Anyway, that's how the legend goes. I should probably let you get back to work.
    Is there a plan to use that astrogation chart?
    Risha Drayen
    I'll upload these coordinates into your navicomputer. It'll take a while, though. I don't recognize some of these stars. At any rate, I'm ready to leave Taris. I'm sure we can find someplace more interesting to be.
    You've got a bad case of wanderlust, Risha. I still have business here.
    Risha Drayen
    Hey, it's one of my best qualities. Please don't take too long. The smell of Taris is getting into all of my clothes.
  • Corso Riggs, Voidhound
  • Received DP1 Datapad from Voidhound containing Astrogation Charts
Nar Shaddaa Landing (2) »
  • Was among the passengers on board of Voidhound's XS Freighter when it arrived on Nar Shaddaa
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Risha Drayen
    I love Nar Shaddaa. This is the place to get everything you never knew you wanted. The only laws are the ones people make with bribes or blasters. It's good to be home again.
    Nar Shaddaa is your homeworld?
    Risha Drayen
    I was born in space, but this has always felt like home.
    There's no government here at all?
    Risha Drayen
    Who needs a government when you have a Hutt Cartel controlling everything? There's a Hutt here named Drooga who has a prototype starship engine. We need it to find Nok Drayen's fortune. Drooga and I made a deal. He'll trade the starship engine for that caged beast. It's the last male shanjaru in the galaxy. The species is pretty much extinct. That makes it valuable. Drooga is far from the worst Hutt I've dealt with. When he gets crazy, just smile and nod.
    I hope you're not expecting me to drag all this around.
    Risha Drayen
    Freight droids will handle all the heavy lifting when the time comes. Drooga's hosting a giant moving party on his "pleasure barge." It's a shrine to grotesque extravagance. Rich lowlifes from across the galaxy spend a fortune attending Drooga's gatherings. It stops periodically at different locations. Right now, it's on the Promenade. I sent Drooga several messages, but he never replied. You'll have to make contact the old-fashioned way.
    I smell trouble.
    Risha Drayen
    Don't worry. Drooga's feasts are elaborate forty-course meals. He's probably too busy gorging himself to bother with a holo. Before you go, one more thing... I know there's a price on your head from Rogun the Butcher over some business on Ord Mantell. Word on the HoloNet is, Rogun's personal bounty hunter is here on Nar Shaddaa. His name's Zank Helrott. He's no amateur, and he's never brought in a bounty alive. Watch out for him.
    Thanks for the tip.
    Risha Drayen
    It may only be a coincidence, but better safe than sorry. The sooner we finish our business with Drooga, the sooner we can be someplace Zank Helrott isn't. Have fun at the party...
  • Voidhound
The Search Begins (Tatooine) (2) »
Day of Dread (1) »


See also
Known for being a member of the following organizations
Republic Operatives
Show all (2)DetailsThe Search Begins (Tatooine)Dread War
Known for his collaborations with the following individuals or organizations
Beryl Thorne
Unsuccessful Robbery
Voidhound's Followers
Show all (5)DetailsBeryl's BargainThe VaultNar Shaddaa LandingParty CrasherEco-Terrorists
Known for traveling as a passenger on the following ships
Voidhound's XS Freighter
All characters this character met
Show all (5)DetailsRace the DevilRecruitment into Coruscant AegisBeryl's BargainThe VaultNar Shaddaa Landing
Corso Riggs
Show all (3)DetailsRace the DevilRecruitment into Coruscant AegisThe Vault
Race the Devil
Recruitment into Coruscant Aegis
Beryl Thorne
Show all (2)DetailsUnsuccessful RobberyBeryl's Bargain
Complete list

Full unit name: Drayen, Risha Last updated: 07.09.2024 15:22:59